
On Friday, September 2, Bishop Lawrence T. Persico blessed Cathedral Preparatory School’s newly constructed Salata Technology & Innovation Center, the cornerstone of the massive construction and campus consolidation project that began in April 2021.

Prior to the blessing, remarks were given by Kevin Smith, Cathedral Preparatory School President, Sr. Mary Drexler, SSJ ’63VMA, Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania President, Sara Weber Kallner ’93VMA, Villa Maria Cathedral Preparatory Catholic School System Board of Directors Chairwoman, Helen Ann McCormick ‘23, Cathedral Prep senior and Student Council Vice President, William McBrier ‘23, Cathedral Prep senior and Student Council Co-President.

The Salata Technology & Innovation Center was named in honor of Jean Eric Salata ’84 who generously donated $5 million to assist in the funding of the addition. The building will be dedicated to Salata’s parents, Orlando and Hilda, who provided him the opportunity to attend Cathedral Prep.