Technology & iPad Program

Cathedral Preparatory School has always been the leaders of technology in the classroom at both campuses. We have incorporated a 1 to 1 iPad program, which gives every student a personal iPad computer. The iPad, in the hands of a student, allows them to no longer carry heavy textbooks. Teachers will utilize the capabilities of each student having a iPad by electronically giving tests, collecting homework and corresponding about classroom topics. The students will participate in on-line presentations, watch streaming media on classroom topics and do research right from their desks. This incredibly powerful tool aids the student in many aspects of academic life and distinguishes Cathedral Prep as a model of academic excellence.


Cathedral Preparatory School is committed to providing technology as a tool to assist students to become self-directed and collaborative learners and to be able to ask questions, seek answers, and use the information found. Likewise, Prep is committed to providing technology as a tool to assist faculty in providing a higher quality, more diverse learning environment.

The Technology Department is in full support of the philosophy of Cathedral Preparatory School. As we advance further in the information age, it is the responsibility of this department to enable the students to use technology as it is used in the adult world of business, science and education with integrity and with Catholic tradition ethics. It is also to provide the students with a perspective, awareness, as well as the skills that prepare them to enter tomorrow's changing world of employment and life-long learning.

School iPad Technology Agreement and Use Policy

Diocese of Erie Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy Cathedral Prep

Internet Access

Faculty/Staff/Student Web Mail


Andrew Boucher '08

Titles: Technology Support Specialist

Departments: Technology


Phone Numbers:
School: (814) 453-7737, Ext. 2282


Jesse Kroh

Titles: Technology Coordinator

Departments: Technology


Phone Numbers:
School: (814) 453-7737, Ext. 3425